Finds acronyms in a Word document and retrieves a unique list of acronyms
find_acronyms( path, delimiter = c("Introduction", "References"), ref_manager = c("zotero", "endnote", "mendeley", "custom"), custom_regex = NULL, sort = TRUE )
path | The path of your Word document. Passed onto |
delimiter | An atomic vector of size two indicating whether to set boundaries for
looking for acronyms. The default |
ref_manager | Specify the reference manager used in the text. Can be one of "zotero",
"endnote", "mendeley", or "custom". Set it to |
custom_regex | Apply your own custom regex to ignore words. You must set |
sort | Set to |
a list of acronyms
## manuscript using zotero find_acronyms(path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), ref_manager = "zotero")#>#> [1] "CCC" "CP" "CP1/time" "CP2-hyp" "CP3-hyp" "CPexp" #> [7] "CPlinear" "HR" "LOOCV" "Pmax" "POpeak" "TTE" #> [13] "V̇O2max" "W’"