The acronym
package comes with built-in functionality to recognize the fields from your reference manager, so you can recognize your acronyms in the text more precisely. Currently, the following managers are supported:
The way it works:
library(acronym) find_acronyms(path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), ref_manager = "zotero") #> ✔ List of acronyms copied to clipboard. You can now just paste it into your Word document. #> [1] "CCC" "CP" "CP1/time" "CP2-hyp" "CP3-hyp" "CPexp" #> [7] "CPlinear" "HR" "LOOCV" "Pmax" "POpeak" "TTE" #> [13] "V̇O2max" "W’"
You can set delimiters to limit the search between two headings only. The default values for this are Introduction
and References
. You can of course modify these headings, and if you wish to ignore them you can simply set demileter = NULL
find_acronyms( path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), delimiter = c("Introduction", "References"), ref_manager = "zotero" ) #> ✔ List of acronyms copied to clipboard. You can now just paste it into your Word document. #> [1] "CCC" "CP" "CP1/time" "CP2-hyp" "CP3-hyp" "CPexp" #> [7] "CPlinear" "HR" "LOOCV" "Pmax" "POpeak" "TTE" #> [13] "V̇O2max" "W’"
find_acronyms( path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), delimiter = NULL, ref_manager = "zotero" ) #> ✔ List of acronyms copied to clipboard. You can now just paste it into your Word document. #> [1] "CCC" "CP" "CP1/time" "CP2-hyp" "CP3-hyp" "CPexp" #> [7] "CPlinear" "HR" "LOOCV" "Pmax" "POpeak" "SWC" #> [13] "TTE" "V̇O2max" "W’"
If you would like to try another regex to identify the references fields in the text you can simply do:
find_acronyms( path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), delimiter = NULL, ref_manager = "custom", custom_regex = "ADDIN ZOTERO.*?json" ) #> ✔ List of acronyms copied to clipboard. You can now just paste it into your Word document. #> [1] "CCC" "CP" "CP1/time" #> [4] "CP2-hyp" "CP3-hyp" "CP3-hyp(1,2,3,4,5" #> [7] "CPexp" "CPlinear" "HR" #> [10] "LOOCV" "Pmax" "POpeak" #> [13] "SWC" "TTE" "V̇O2max" #> [16] "W’"
By default, the function is going to retrieve the list in alphabetical order. If you need to have it in order of appearance, just set sort = FALSE
find_acronyms( path = system.file("zotero.docx", package = "acronym"), ref_manager = "zotero", sort = FALSE ) #> ✔ List of acronyms copied to clipboard. You can now just paste it into your Word document. #> [1] "CP" "TTE" "CP2-hyp" "CPexp" "CP3-hyp" "CPlinear" #> [7] "CP1/time" "W’" "V̇O2max" "POpeak" "HR" "LOOCV" #> [13] "CCC" "Pmax"