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The goal of downloadthis is to implement download buttons in HTML output from RMarkdown without the need for runtime:shiny.


You can install the released version of downloadthis from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of downloadthis from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


This package builds the download button in R Markdown using bsplus, and it was inspired on this post from Yihui Xie.

downloadthis now uses font-awesome icons v.6.5.2


Data frames, lists, or any R object


mtcars %>%
    output_name = "mtcars data set",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data",
    button_type = "warning",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"
vector_example <- 1:10
linear_model <- lm(mpg ~ gear, data = mtcars)

list(mtcars, iris, vector_example, linear_model) %>%
    output_name = "datasets, vector, and linear model",
    output_extension = ".rds",
    button_label = "Download as rds",
    button_type = "success",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save"

Web address

## Link in Github repo
  link = "",
  button_label = "Download pdf file",
  button_type = "danger",
  has_icon = TRUE,
  icon = "fa fa-save",
  self_contained = FALSE

Local files

## One file example
  path = system.file("assets/css/all.min.css", package = "downloadthis"),
  output_name = "CSS file from downloadthis",
  button_label = "Download css file",
  button_type = "danger",
  has_icon = TRUE,
  icon = "fa fa-save",
  self_contained = FALSE

Local directory

## Directory path as an example
  path = system.file("assets", package = "downloadthis"),
  output_name = "example dir",
  button_label = "Download directory",
  button_type = "success",
  has_icon = TRUE,
  icon = "fa fa-save",
  self_contained = FALSE
  • xfun: The xfun package provides links instead of buttons for local files and directories.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.