This package provides a wrapper around
, which has to goal to provide a
download button in HTML outputs from R Markdown without the need to have
runtime: shiny
Currently, the download buttons functionality (embedded files) is not supported in Internet Explorer.
Please, refer to the Customizing buttons with css vignette for tips on how to customize the buttons.
You can easily produce a download button as follows:
Data frames
Passing a data frame to the function
mtcars %>%
output_name = "mtcars dataset",
output_extension = ".csv",
button_label = "Download data as csv",
button_type = "default",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save"
Lists (only .xlsx
and .rds
Passing a list with data frames to the function
list(mtcars, iris) %>%
output_name = "mtcars and iris datasets",
output_extension = ".xlsx",
button_label = "Download datasets as xlsx",
button_type = "warning",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save"
Passing a named list with data frames to the function
list("mtcars dataset" = mtcars, "iris dataset" = iris) %>%
output_name = "mtcars and iris datasets",
output_extension = ".xlsx",
button_label = "Download datasets as xlsx",
button_type = "warning",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save"
R Objects
In case you want to make any R object available for download, you may
use the .rds
vector_example <- 1:10
linear_model <- lm(mpg ~ gear, data = mtcars)
list(mtcars, iris, vector_example, linear_model) %>%
output_name = "datasets, vector, and linear model",
output_extension = ".rds",
button_label = "Download as rds",
button_type = "warning",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save"
Web address
## Link in Github repo
link = "",
button_label = "Download pdf file",
button_type = "danger",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save",
self_contained = FALSE
Local files
Single file
path = system.file("assets/css/all.min.css", package = "downloadthis"),
output_name = "CSS file from downloadthis",
button_label = "Download css file",
button_type = "danger",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save",
self_contained = FALSE
Multiple files
path_files <- list.files(path = system.file("assets/css", package = "downloadthis"), full.names = TRUE)
path = path_files,
output_name = "Files from downloadthis",
button_label = "Download files",
button_type = "danger",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save",
self_contained = FALSE
Local directory
path = system.file("assets", package = "downloadthis"),
output_name = "example dir",
button_label = "Download directory",
button_type = "success",
has_icon = TRUE,
icon = "fa fa-save",
self_contained = FALSE