Plot small-study effects analysis

plot_small_study_effects(x, save = FALSE, path, format = ".png")



an object of class meta


A boolean to indicate whether to save the plot to disk.


Path to write to. It has to be a character string indicating the path and file name (without the extension). For example, ~/Documents/small_study_effects will save small_study_effects.png to the Documents folder.


The file extension that you want to save the plot to. Only .png, is supported.


a plot.


# Perform meta-analysis on VO2max results <- perform_meta(endpoint = "VO2max")
#> ────────────────────────── * VO2max meta-analysis * ──────────────────────────
#> 'Overall'
#> └─ Performing meta-analysis
#> └─ Performing sensitivity analysis
#> └─ Meta-analysis results are robust! Keep going!
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Population subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Age subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Training Duration subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Men Ratio subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Type of Exercise subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Baseline subgroup
#> Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Type of HIIE subgroup
#> ────────────────────────────────── * DONE * ──────────────────────────────────
# Plot small-study effects results results$meta_analysis$Overall %>% plot_small_study_effects()